CEO & Founder @ Queer Quest

Shadow Healer & Transformation Coach For Queer Individuals

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Podcast Host, Thought Leader, & Entrepreneur

Meet Christiano, a gay man who has dedicated his life to helping queer individuals achieve a positive mindset and a fulfilling and liberated life free of rejection and doubt. Born in Canada, Christiano moved to London at a young age where he began his schooling. His family later moved to the Central Coast of Australia, hoping for a better environment to raise him in. However, this constant moving prevented Christiano from forming lasting friendships, and his early identity was tied to his place within his family.

Throughout his school life, Christiano was always the youngest and smallest in his year, and he was severely bullied for this and for being gay, although he had not yet come to terms with his sexuality. When he entered the workforce after finishing school, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts set in, and he found himself isolating himself from the world as the bullying continued from his school days.

But Christiano didn't let his past define him. He spent over 15 years and invested more than $250,000 in many of the world's top personal development courses, completed a counseling degree, got his masters in NLP, read thousands of books, took hundreds of online courses and consistently works with high-performing coaches and other sought after thought leaders in the industry. This commitment to self-improvement and personal growth, and his life experiences has made Christiano a true expert in the queer community.

Christiano understands the importance of being a people and thought leader, and he has honed his relationship and communication skills by managing large, successful teams in the corporate world. He has put into practice what he has learned along the way and has developed a great attitude, a contagious and charming personality, an open heart, and a deep understanding of what compassion and passion can bring to any coaching relationship.

Since 2020, Christiano's mission is to use his expertise to help queer individuals create a fulfilling and liberated life free from rejection and doubt. With his guidance and support, queer people can overcome the trauma and limiting beliefs that hold them back and develop the mindset and skills they need to achieve their goals and live their best lives. Christiano is more than a coach; he is a partner, a cheerleader, and a best friend who is committed to helping his amazing clients unlock their true potential and achieve their dreams.

Christiano is always looking for his next success story. If you're interested in becoming a success story in your own life then contact him below and let's discuss how you can live filled with happiness, success, and love.


I am so blessed to have done your course. I really thought I was going in there to fix my relationship with my mother and my boyfriend and of course I did. I didn't realise though that I would get an even bigger gift of actually fixing my relationship with myself & choosing happiness. You are one of a kind and I am truly grateful.


This is such a life changing moment for me. Your program has been a real eye opener for me. I was so lost and lonely and didn't think I was ever going to find love. I had been told my whole life that I wasn't good enough and I believed everyone who said that. I have the power now & I'll never forget what you have done for me.


I just wanted to say a huge shout out to my coach Christiano! I had a huge breakthrough and realized that someone I had dated previously and was interested in me again, that he was the person I really wanted to be with. I joined this program wanting to better myself and I have a new career path and a life partner. So happy!



What is queer transformation coaching, and how does it work?

Ready to sparkle in a world that's not always rainbow-friendly? Our Queer Transformation Coaching is your secret glitter bomb! Think of it as a fabulous journey with an expert queer coach who's not just a guide, but your personal cheerleader and ally. Together, we'll dive deep into what makes you uniquely awesome and craft a path to your wildest dreams - be it slaying in your career, discovering love, or living your truth with flair.

Imagine heart-to-heart sessions, where you're not just heard, but celebrated. Our coaches are armed with an arsenal of techniques and tools, all designed to help you shine brighter. You'll gain crystal-clear clarity, set goals that make you wanna dance out of bed, and develop strategies to strut past life’s hurdles. This isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s a couture experience, stitched perfectly to fit the fabulous you. Let’s empower you to make those dazzling changes in your life, because darling, you deserve to live loud and proud!

How long does a typical coaching engagement last?

Ever wonder how long it takes to unleash your most fabulous self? The answer is as unique as you are! Our coaching sessions are as diverse as the rainbow. Some of our clients opt for a quick sprint – a few power-packed sessions to tackle a specific challenge or two. Others choose a marathon route, luxuriating in a longer-term transformation that reshapes their world.

Think of it like a custom-made sequin gown. For some, a little tailoring is all it takes to shine. For others, we're crafting an entire ensemble, from glittery headpiece to shimmering shoes. Our coaching could be a few months of glitter bombs or a year (or more) of rainbow magic. The key? Communication, darling! Chat with your coach about your dreams and desires. Together, we'll sketch out the perfect timeline to help you sashay your way to success. Remember, this journey is all about you – let's make it as fabulous as you are!

What makes Queer Transformation Coaching different from other coaching services?

Picture this: a transformation journey that's as dazzlingly unique as you are. Our Queer Transformation Coaching isn't just about change; it's about revolutionizing your world, your way. We put you at the center of the universe (where you absolutely belong) and tailor every glittering moment to fit your fabulous needs and goals.

Imagine a space where you're not just accepted, but adored for who you are. Here, empathy and support aren't just words; they're the pillars of our palace. Whether you're aiming for a personal glow-up, a career that’s as bright as your personality, or a love life that's as deep and meaningful as your favorite ballad, we've got a spectrum of specialties to guide you there.

And the best part? Our coaching flexes like the best drag queen on the dance floor. It's all about your rhythm, your style. We're here to groove to your beat, ensuring every step in your journey feels like it's choreographed just for you. Because darling, in the world of transformation, one size fits nobody – and we're here to celebrate every shade of your magnificent rainbow!